I've been holding this in for so long, and can finally breath this exciting news.... NewHomes magazine, a bimonthly publication has asked us to write for them! Every month we'll be giving out a few of our inner-most thoughts on interior design, home decor and green tips. We are also working closely with the Habitat Re-Store, they let us know what they have lots of, and we think of creative ways to use the items and offer classes on repurposing. Plus they have a 20% off coupon in the magazine for the Re-Store.
The Re-Store has lots of brass chandelier's and we are hosting a class on October 7th at 6:30 PM on how to update them. The class is $12.00 per person, and advanced reservations are required.
There's still room! Here is our contact information:
Char Swoveland
Linda Sherck
528 E. Colfax Ave.
South Bend, IN 46617
You can pick up a copy of the magazine at the shop!