Earth Day is Everyday! Please be kind and reduce waste in the world. If everyone started using reusable bags for grocery shopping, or gift giving we could help rid the planet of so much waste. Here are a few other things you can do to help...
line dry clothes-it will save electricity and ironing!
Support businesses that are local.
Buy organic
Start a compost pile
Use cloth napkins, diapers etc
Buy used household goods. The oldies are the goodies. If you can't afford real wood furniture buy the best used furniture that you can afford. That which will still be here to pass down or sell again.
Please join us for our Grand Opening Celebration at
The Old Creamery Antique Gallery.
Last Friday! In Middlebury!!!
April 24, 2009
4-8 PM
333 N Main St, Middlebury, In
Green is in, and we want to introduce you to a whole new way to decorate. We have lots of styles to choose from and lots of retro collections. Don’t buy new, buy green!
We hope to see you there.
Char Swoveland, Linda & Bernie Sherck, Ava Breniser, Christine Tirotta